Bluebird Project – Year 2

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Greens to Green is thrilled to be a part of the BRSS Audubon Bluebird Trail for our second year. Overseeing the project is Sandy Morrissey, President of the Board of the Bronx River Sound Shore Audubon Society, who has been conducting an ongoing research project comparing the long-term survival rate of bluebirds nesting on golf courses vs. non golf-courses. She has placed hundreds of nesting boxes throughout Westchester and Rockland – five of which are with us! Our volunteers will monitor our bluebird nesting boxes throughout the spring and summer and report the findings to Sandy for analysis.












Greens to Green is an ideal habitat for Eastern Bluebirds, the New York state bird, as they prefer open meadows, farmlands, orchards and open woodlands. In the early part of last century their numbers declined by about 90% due to various factors including habitat destruction, competition from other species and pesticide use. Since the 50s, they’ve made a remarkable comeback due mainly to landowners placing nest boxes on their property and volunteers like Sandy Morrissey and her crew.

Learn more about the project here:


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